
Showing posts from January, 2018

Fifth Disease - Erythema infectiosum

Fifth Disease Also called: Erythema infectiosum Summary Fifth disease is a viral infection caused by parvovirus B19. The virus only infects humans; it's not the same parvovirus that dogs and cats can get. Fifth disease mostly affects children. Symptoms can include a low fever, cold symptoms, and a headache. Then you get a red rash on your face. It looks like a "slapped cheek." The rash can spread to the arms, legs, and trunk. Adults who get it might also have joint pain and swelling. Fifth disease spreads easily, through saliva and mucus. You can get it when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Frequently washing your hands might help prevent getting the virus. Most people become immune to the virus after having it once. Fifth disease is usually mild and goes away on its own. However, it can be serious if you Are pregnant Are anemic Have cancer or a weak immune system Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Fifth disease - Erythema I...

What is fifth disease

What is fifth disease ? Fifth disease is a viral disease that often results in a red rash on the arms, legs, and cheeks. For this reason, it’s also known as “slapped cheek disease.” It’s fairly common and mild in most children, but it can be more severe for pregnant women or anyone with a compromised immune system. Most doctors advise people with fifth disease to wait out the symptoms. This is because there’s currently no medication that’ll shorten the course of the disease. However, if you have a weakened immune system, your doctor may need to closely monitor you until the symptoms disappear. CAUSES What causes fifth disease? Parvovirus B19 causes fifth disease. This airborne virus tends to spread through saliva and respiratory secretions among children who are in elementary school. It’s most prevalent in the winter, spring, and early summer. However, it can spread at any time and among people of any age. Many adults have antibodies that prevent the...

symptoms of fifth disease

PICTURE What does fifth disease look like? SYMPTOMS What are the symptoms of fifth disease? The initial symptoms of fifth disease are very general. They may resemble symptoms of the flu. Symptoms often include: headache fatigue low-grade fever sore throat nausea runny nose stuffy nose According to American Academy of Family Physicians, symptoms tend to appear 4 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. After a few days of having these symptoms, most young people develop a red rash that first appears on the cheeks. The rash often spreads to the arms, legs, and trunk of the body within a few days. The rash may last for weeks. However, by the time you see it, you’re usually no longer contagious. The rash is more likely to appear in children than in adults. In fact, the main symptom adults usually experience is joint pain. Joint pain can last for several weeks and is usually most prominent in the wrists, ankles, and...

Fifth disease - Erythema Infectiosum

Fifth disease (Erythema Infectiosum) Fifth disease is sometimes called “slapped cheek” syndrome because of the red rash it causes. It is a common infection of the airway and lungs. Parvovirus B19 causes fifth disease. It’s most common in late winter to early spring. What are the symptoms of fifth disease? There may be no symptoms or only mild symptoms.  Fifth disease sometimes begins with a low-grade fever (102°F (38.9°C)), headache, and mild cold-like symptoms (a stuffy or runny nose). Symptoms may also include an upset stomach (nausea and diarrhea). It starts as a very red rash on the cheeks that looks like the face has been slapped. After 1 to 4 days, a red, lace-like rash appears, first on the torso and arms, and then spreads to the rest of the body. The rash may last from 1 to 3 weeks. During that time, the rash may come and go. It can be worse with changes in temperature, exposure to sun, and exercise. How does fifth disease spread? Thi...

Fifth Disease

What Is Fifth Disease? Fifth disease is viral illness that most kids recover from quickly and without complications. Also called erythema infectiosum, it's caused by parvovirus B19. It's especially common in kids ages 5 to 15. Fifth disease causes a distinctive red rash on the face that makes a child appear to have a "slapped cheek." A few days later, the rash spreads down to the trunk, arms, and legs. It usually lasts 1 to 3 weeks. In older kids and adults, fifth disease can cause joint swelling and pain that can last from weeks to months and, very rarely, years. Signs and Symptoms Fifth disease begins with a low  fever , headache, and mild cold-like symptoms (like a stuffy or runny nose). These symptoms pass, and the illness seems to be gone until the rash appears a few days later. Kids younger than 10 are most likely to get the rash. The bright red rash usually starts on the face. Then, red blotches (usually lighter in color) appear on the trunk, arms,...

Pregnancy and Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. This disease is usually not a problem for pregnant women and their babies. About half of pregnant women are immune to parvovirus B19, so they and their babies are usually protected from getting the virus and fifth disease. Pregnant women who are not immune usually have only mild illness if they are exposed to fifth disease. Also, their babies usually do not have any problems. Rarely, a baby will develop severe anemia caused by its mother’s infection with fifth disease, and the woman may have a miscarriage. But this is not common. It happens less than 5% of the time among all pregnant women with parvovirus B19 infection, and it happens more commonly during the first half of pregnancy. Testing for Parvovirus B19 during Pregnancy A blood test for parvovirus B19 can show if you are immune to this virus and have no recent sign of infection, are not immune and have never been infected, or have had a recent infection. ...

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. It is more common in children than adults. A person usually gets sick with fifth disease within four to 14 days after getting infected with parvovirus B19. This disease, also called erythema infectiosum, got its name because it was fifth in a list of historical classifications of common skin rash illnesses in children. Signs & Symptoms The symptoms of fifth disease are usually mild and may include fever runny nose headache rash You can get a rash on your face and body You may get a red rash on your face called “slapped cheek” rash. This rash is the most recognized feature of fifth disease. It is more common in children than adults. Some people may get a second rash a few days later on their chest, back, buttocks, or arms and legs. The rash may be itchy, especially on the soles of the feet. It can vary in intensity and usually goes away in seven to 10 days, but it can come and go for several weeks. As...

Fifth disease

Fifth disease  is a mild rash illness caused by parvovirus B19. It is more common in children than adults. ... This  disease , also called erythema infectiosum, got its name because it was fifth  in a list of historical classifications of common skin rash illnesses in children. Erythema infectiosum or fifth disease is one of several possible manifestations of infection by parvovirus B19. The name "fifth disease" comes from its place on the standard list of rash-causing childhood diseases, which also includes measles (1st), scarlet fever (2nd), rubella (3rd), Dukes' disease (4th, however is no longer widely accepted as distinct) and roseola (6th). Signs and symptoms Fifth disease starts with a low-grade fever, headache, rash, and cold-like symptoms, such as a runny or stuffy nose. These symptoms pass, then a few days later the rash appears. The bright red rash most commonly appears in the face, particularly the cheeks. This is a defining symptom of the infecti...