Fever: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Fever: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Fever (also known as pyrexia or controlled hyperthermia) is when a human's body temperature goes above the normal range of 36-37 Centigrade (98-100 Fahrenheit) - it is a common medical sign.
As the individual's body temperature goes up, there may be a sensation of cold until the temperature levels off and stops rising.
People's normal body temperatures may vary and are affected by factors such as eating, exercise, sleeping, and what time of the day it is. Our body temperature is usually at its highest at around 6 pm and at its lowest at about 3 am.
An elevated body temperature (fever) is one of the ways our immune system attempts to combat an infection. Usually, the rise in body temperature helps the individual resolve an infection. However, sometimes it may rise too high, in which case, the fever can be serious and lead to complications.
Doctors say that as long as the fever is mild, there is no need to bring it down - if the fever is not severe, it is probably helping to neutralize the bacterium or virus that is causing the infection. Medications to bring down a fever are called antipyretics. If the fever is causing undue discomfort, an antipyretic may be recommended.
When a fever reaches or exceeds 38 Centigrade (100.4 Fahrenheit), it is no longer mild and should be checked every couple of hours.
These temperatures refer to oral measurement (thermometer in the mouth). For normal armpit temperatures, the temperature measures lower than it actually is and the numbers are reduced by about 0.2-0.3 Centigrade.

Symptoms of fever

When somebody has a fever, signs and symptoms are linked to what is known as sickness behavior, and may include:
  • feeling cold when nobody else does
  • shivering
  • lack of appetite
  • dehydration - preventable if the patient drinks plenty of fluids
  • depression
  • hyperalgesia - more sensitive to pain
  • lethargy
  • problems concentrating
  • sleepiness
  • sweating
  • If the fever is high, there may also be extreme irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizures.
  • Febrile seizure (children)

  • Children with a high temperature may develop a febrile seizure, also known as a febrile fit or febrile convulsion; most of these are not serious and can be the result of an ear infection, gastroenteritis, or a respiratory virus (a cold). Less commonly, febrile seizures may be caused by something more serious, such meningitis, a kidney infection, or pneumonia.
  • Febrile seizures most commonly occur in children aged 6 months to 6 years and affect boys more often than girls.
    Seizures occur because the body temperature rises too fast, rather than because it has been sustained for a long time.
    There are two types of febrile seizures:
    1) Simple febrile seizure - the seizure lasts no longer than 15 minutes (in most cases less than 5 minutes) and does not occur again during a 24-hour period.
    It typically involves the whole body - a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Most febrile seizures are of this type. Symptoms - the body becomes stiff and the arms and legs start to twitch, the patient loses consciousness (but the eyes stay open).
    There may be irregular breathing, and the child might urinate and/or defecate. There could also be vomiting.
    2) Complex febrile seizure - the seizure lasts longer, comes back more often, and tends not to affect the whole body, but rather only part of the body.
    This type of seizure is a cause for more concern than simple febrile seizures.
    In the majority of cases, a child with a seizure should be seen by a healthcare provider. Temperature may be controlled with acetaminophen (paracetamol) or sponging. If necessary, an anticonvulsant, such as sodium valproate or clonazepam may be prescribed.

    Causes of fever

    Fever can be caused by a number of factors:
  • An infection - such as strep throat, flu, chickenpox, or pneumonia.
    Rheumatoid arthritis.
    Some medications.
    Over-exposure of skin to sunlight (sunburn).
    Heat stroke - may be caused either by exposure to high temperatures (nonexertional heat stroke) or prolonged strenuous exercise.
    Silicosis - a type of lung disease caused by long-term exposure to silica dust.
    Amphetamine abuse.
    Alcohol withdrawal.
  • Diagnosis of fever

    Diagnosing a fever is straightforward - the patient's temperature is taken, if the reading is high, they have a fever. It is important to take the person's temperature when they are at rest because physical activity can warm us up.
    A person is said to have a fever if:
    • The temperature in the mouth is over 37.7 Centigrade (99.9 Fahrenheit).
    • The temperature in the rectum (anus) is over 37.5-38.3 Centigrade (100-101 Fahrenheit).
    • The temperature under the arm or inside the ear is over 37.2 Centigrade (99 Fahrenheit).
    Because fever is a sign rather than a disease, when the doctor has confirmed there is an elevated body temperature, certain diagnostic tests may be ordered. Depending on what other signs and symptoms exist, these may include blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, or other imaging scans.
  • Treatments for fever

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Tylenol (paracetamol) or ibuprofen can help bring a fever down. However, a mild fever may be helping combat the source of the infection (bacterium/virus) - it may not be ideal to bring it down.

    If the fever has been caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic.
  • If a fever has been caused by a cold, which is caused by a viral infection, NSAID's may be used to relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Antibiotics have no effect against viruses and will not be prescribed by your doctor for a bacterial infection.
    Fluid intake - anyone with a fever should consume plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Dehydration will complicate any illness.
    Heat stroke - NSAIDs will not be effective if the person's fever was caused by hot weather or sustained strenuous exercise. The patient needs to be cooled. If they are confused or unconscious, they should be treated by a doctor straight away.
  • Fever prevention

    Hygiene - fevers are commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections. Good hygiene practices help reduce the risk of developing an infection. This includes hand-washing before and after meals, and after going to the toilet.
    A person with a fever caused by an infection should have as little contact as possible with other people, to prevent the infection from spreading. Whoever is caring for the patient should regularly wash their hands with warm soap and water.
  • Tag word - Rx Healer  Health - Health Care - Healthcare - Doctor - Hospital - Medicine - Physician - Consultant 

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