Diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh

Diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh 

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, which means a problem with the process by which food is digested and used as energy by the body.  It is a chronic (long-term) condition characterised by high levels of glucose in the blood (hyperglycaemia).  If not treated it can cause long-term complications such as coronary heart disease, kidney damage, stroke, circulatory problems and damaged vision.
During digestion most foods are converted into a sugar called glucose.  Glucose is a simple sugar that is the main fuel source for the body.  Once food has been converted into glucose, it moves into the bloodstream where it is circulated around the body.  It then passes into the body's cells to be used as energy. 
For glucose to pass from the bloodstream into the cells, insulin is required.  Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas - a large gland that sits behind the stomach.  Specialised cells in the pancreas, called beta cells, automatically produce the correct amounts of insulin to move the glucose into the cells. Insulin production rises and falls throughout the day in response to the body's needs.  However, in people with diabetes there is a problem with the production of insulin or with the body's ability to use the insulin. 
There are three main types of diabetes - Type 1, Type 2 and gestational – typically associated with different circumstances.
Type 1 diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes is a life-long variation of the disease that typically takes hold in childhood or adolescence, and is the result of the body’s immune system destroying the pancreas where insulin is made.  Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes can appear suddenly. The condition can cause serious health complications over time but can be managed with insulin replacement therapy and lifestyle changes.
Type 2 diabetes:
Type 2 diabetes is a life-long variation of the disease often associated with being overweight, and is the result of the body not producing enough insulin and/or being unable to respond to insulin. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes develop gradually. The condition can cause serious health complications over time but can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication.
Gestational diabetes is a variation of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, and is the result of the mother not being able to produce enough insulin.  Gestational diabetes may not present obvious symptoms but may be diagnosed during routine pregnancy screening. The condition can adversely affect the pregnancy and health of the baby but can be managed with diet modification and exercise and, if necessary, medication.  

Diabetes can also occur as the result of:
  • Medications - eg: prednisone (a steroid medication) and some diuretics (water tablets), which can increase the chances of developing diabetes by increasing insulin resistance.
  • Certain medical conditions - eg: diseases of the pancreas (eg: chronic pancreatitis) and some disorders of the hormone-producing endocrine glands (eg: Cushings' syndrome).
  • Trauma or surgery - eg: injury to the pancreas or surgical removal of the pancreas.
  • Some genetic disorders eg: Down's syndrome, Turner's syndrome and some muscular dystrophies.
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